Donnerstag, 14. April 2016

About the development in science in the field of human cloning

Identical twins

Human cloning has recently acaused a sensation in science, because of a Chinese scientist, who is working in an animal cloning factory, who announced, that his department is ready to clone humans now after having taken the step with other animals successfully. I read this in the following article:
In the article is said that the technologies are ready to clone humans, which I think sounds very frightening, because as in many other articles mentioned, there could be loads of ethical issues, which would describe, how dangerous the cloning itself could be for the cloned individual and in general in is frightening to think about how dangerous it could be if humans like Hitler would be brought back to life. In the article is also talk of how infertile couples could have the chance for a child, identical to one parent, but seriously, how would that freak people out to have to see one's exact version walking around, I think it would drive people crazy in a very negative way.
I also watched a video, which can be found in the following like, which was very informative.
Here is talked about the beginning in the scientific research about the general cloning of animals and I wonder here slightly, why not the person, who initially cloned the first animal in gerneral, the guy mentioned in the video called John Gurdon, is honored more for his findings, by cloning a frog, while everybody celebrates Wilmut and Campbell, who cloned Dolly the sheep, although this happened far later in 1996.
What I found the most interesting though in the video was the mention of the fact, that scientist called Robl and Cibelli claimed in 1996 to have successfully transplanted a human cell of Cibelli's leg and cheek cells into an egg cell of a cow. To find out more information about this I researched them and found this article
If these scientists tell the truth and have really conducted a research with that outcome, this would be very scary indeed because it would mean that even with rather simple equipment they were able to conduct their research. Thus, I think scientists should be careful in the future to ban human cloning very strictly and under control, because in my opinion it is not ethically right to do such things and there could just be loads of disadvantages and risks such as a higher risk for diseases throgu the minimising of variation in human genes.

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